September was filled with good things, but that meant I had very little time to read. I'm pretty sure this was my most unproductive reading month of 2023, but seeing people I love was worth putting down the books! I got to spend five glorious days with my bestie in Oklahoma. We talked about books, went to bookstores, filled out our book journals, ate Mexican food, got Dr Peppers from Classic 50's and watched Gilmore Girls. We had so much fun doing a whole lot of nothing and it is exactly what Continue Reading
Jennifer Reads {August 2023}
This month I swapped beach reads for a wider variety of genres. I needed a little change. I didn't quite make it through my summer TBR, but maybe I'll finish it in January when it's snowing and I'm wishing I was at the beach soaking up some sunshine! This month Jackson and I read the newest book in The Last FireHawk Series. We also started reading The Notebook of Doom series by Troy Cummings. It's a cute series filled with silly monsters trying to take over a school/town. Jackson and I read Continue Reading
Jennifer Reads {July 2023}
This month I enjoyed reading on the shore of Lake Michigan. It's not 30A, but The Great Lakes are growing on me. We spent several days enjoying the sunshine and shark-free waters! This month I also celebrated My Little Library's FIRST birthday! It has been a blast sharing my love of books and reading with my community. I never get tired of seeing people stop by to grab a book. It makes my heart happy!!! This month I filled my library with some of my favorite summer books to celebrate! Continue Reading
Jennifer Reads {June 2023}
It's hard to believe June is already over. I didn't read as much as I normally do. I've been busy soaking up all the sunshine I desperately missed during the long Michigan winter. I also played tour guide to family and friends who came to visit this month. We did a lot of sight seeing - dune rides, light house tours, watching freighters come in and having lunch on Lake Michigan. I did finish four books this month; three of them would be perfect to toss in your beach/pool bag... Say You Continue Reading
Jennifer Reads {May 2023}
This months book haul included a lot of new releases; two by authors who I've loved in the past. I also gave several books five stars! May was a good reading month! Jackson and I also finished reading The Last Firehawk series (at least until the next book releases in June!) We read books 8-11! Here's what I read in May... Happy Place by Emily Henry Six friends come together for their last stay at a cottage in Maine - the only place that has ever felt like home to Harriett. But Continue Reading