It's been quite around here this month. I had every intention to write and a blog calendar filled with ideas, but it just didn't happen. I blame it on our move. Between trying to settle in to our new home and doing a lot more driving to and from school/appointments there just aren't enough hours in the day. It's taken some time to get adjusted to our new schedule. But this little break made me realize something... There Will Be Plenty of Time to Blog Jackson starts kindergarten in August Continue Reading
Five Minute Friday {Empty}
I feel like I should write something profound and holy on this Good Friday. But if I'm being honest, I've had several moments this week where I've felt empty. Special needs parenting will do that to you. Wednesday morning I sat on my bed trying to catch my breath between big, ugly sobs. I was physically and emotionally exhausted. Moving into a new home and adjusting to a crazy new schedule had me overwhelmed. For the next six weeks my days will be spent in the car, shuffling Continue Reading
Lessons Through Suffering
There's a verse I love that sheds light on suffering and promises it won't be wasted. Romans 5:3-4 says: Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character hope. I'm hesitant to use the word suffering to describe our special needs journey. Yes, sometimes the insurance denials, challenging behaviors and loneliness feel pretty hard, but that seems like small potatoes when there are people dying for Continue Reading
Ten Things I Learned In March
I'm Starting to Like My 35 Year Old Body More than My 20 Year Old One (I think) As I've packed up our house the past few weeks, I've taken the time to look through the copious amount of scrapbooks lining our closet shelves. As I looked at photos of myself from high school and college I realized I don't really want that skinny body back. Sure, I'd love for my summer shorts to fit. Yes, I need to lose a few pounds, but I'm actually a little turned off by how skinny I was. It wasn't exactly Continue Reading
Keep Doing the Hard Things
We'd had a few really hard weeks. Crazy after-school meltdowns from the ADHD medication. More sad faces than smiley faces in his school folder. Doctors appointments to try and figure out his ADHD medicine. Aggression. Lots and lots of tears (from both of us). Starting a new therapy with little hope it would help. Putting our house on the market to move to a better school district. Honestly, there were a few days during that rough patch when I thought anyone else could do Continue Reading