Today is Apraxia Awareness Day. Normally, I would have rallied people to wear blue; however the day almost slipped by unnoticed. It's not because Apraxia is no longer a part of our story; it always will be. We've learned to live with Apraxia. Now we're trying to figure out what it looks like to thrive as a PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) Family. It's only fitting that we spent today at speech therapy. On our way there, I asked Jackson if he wanted to post a video talking about Apraxia. Continue Reading
January Reflections {2023}
I used to write a monthly blog about the things I learned each month. I decided to do something similar this year and call it Monthly Reflections. Just a chance to reflect on the month and all that it taught me. In January I learned that... It's Okay If My Quiet Time Is Not Quiet This month one of my goals was to wake up and spend time with Jesus before Jackson woke up. Um, it's winter in Michigan and my sleep schedule is so off. We seem to stay up super later and sleep in most Continue Reading
On Writing Again and Autism Acceptance
I haven’t written for a really long time. I stopped telling our story. I allowed fear to paralyze me. I let online bullies silence me. But I shared my heart over on Facebook earlier this week - about this hard and holy journey we’re on - and someone spoke words of encouragement. They told me to keep sharing our story. It made me want to put words on a page again. Maybe nobody will read them; but maybe somebody needs them. "Your child has a very rare genetic disorder called 9p23. This disorder Continue Reading
October Writing Challenge #8 – Complete
I have anxiety. I look back and realize I've dealt with it all my life, but my anxiety intensified after becoming the mama of a child with special needs. I worry about my kiddo a lot. I am 100% a helicopter mom. I'm currently trying to surrender a situation to God, but it's hard to give him complete control. Last night I was reading about God's sovereignty during my quiet time. I'm working through the Anxious Bible study by Scarlet Hiltibidal (highly recommend!) I was Continue Reading
October Writing Challenge #6 – Whole
Homeschool is about educating the whole child. I recently came across this graphic and it’s spot on. It’s taken me a long time to break out of the public school mold. I want more for Jackson than just mastering math facts and memorizing important dates in history. Homeschool allows us to meet Jackson’s unique needs. We work on math and reading each day, but it leaves time for the therapy appointments that are so important - speech, OT, horseback riding. We get to learn about science and Continue Reading