Highs Garth Brooks: When I was 9-years-old my parents took me to Nashville. We stood in line for 8 hours so that I could see Garth Brooks in concert. I was a mega fan – like knew every word to every song, owned every cassette tape, and several t-shirts that I wore proudly to school. For Christmas last year my Dad bought my mom, sister, her husband, and I tickets to see Garth in Tulsa. Imagine my surprise when one of Garth’s people walked up to the nosebleed section where we were sitting and Continue Reading
End of Year Confessions
I'm Days Behind on My Advent Reading I missed a day when I had the stomach virus last Friday and I've yet to find a quiet time to settle down before the Lord and catch up. And guess what? I'm feeling the effects of a non-existent quiet time. I'm sort of grumpy. I'm not as patient as I should be. I'm in desperate need of some holiday cheer. The kind that is only found within the pages on my Bible. Turning Four Is Hard (For this Mama) Grief is not a one time thing. It's something that Continue Reading
A Polar Express Party
I knew months ago that I wanted to celebrate Jackson's 4th Birthday with a Polar Express party. To say he loves trains would be an understatement and he simply adores the movie Polar Express (we watch it year-round). Another perk? I wouldn't have to worry about Christmas decorations being in his birthday photos. Here's the stinky thing about having a birthday in December - sickness is all. over. the. place. Jackson's first birthday came with an RSV diagnosis. His second birthday he Continue Reading
Eight Things I Learned in November
1. Being A Mom Is Enough When I see other women with successful home businesses or with books flying off the virtual shelves, I can't help but feel a little defeated. I had a book signing this month and sold ZERO books. I compare myself to these women who seem to be succeeding and I feel like a failure. I'm not making any money through this blog. I'm not selling many books. Huh, maybe I should call it a day? But at 3:00 one morning, as all these things were flying through my mind, I Continue Reading
Harder Than Apraxia
Last week I told a friend and my counselor that I'd choose Apraxia over the other diagnosis any day. Don't get me wrong, Apraxia hasn't been a piece of cake, but Jackson is finally stringing words together and can find ways to get his point across even when he can't find the words. But Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) trickles into every area of our lives. Its effects are as far reaching as the newborn days when we thought all the screaming was colic induced. Now we know it was more Continue Reading