The other night I was soaking in the tub after a very long and challenging day. A thousand thoughts raced through my mind regarding Jackson's education and which therapies were working and which ones weren't. We have a lot of decisions to make in the next few months. It's overwhelming and I'm weary. Earlier that day I found myself sitting on the floor of our entry hall, blocking the front door, as my frustrated and ticked off son pinched and hit me. Was it a meltdown? Was it a tantrum? Some Continue Reading
Nine Things I Learned In March
Fuller House Wasn't What I Expected Like the rest of the world (or at least those who grew up in the early 90s) I was excited to watch the spinoff of Full House. I was a tad bit shocked to find that it was not a family friendly show. I get that the creators were targeting my age group; the ones who watched Full House back in the day, but it's sort of a shame that it wasn't a show safe enough for the entire family to watch. Yes, I did watch the entire season. Yes, I did laugh. But overall I Continue Reading
What Easter Revealed
The two weeks leading up to Easter were full of challenges, tears and uncertainties. A full-blown spiritual battle that left me weary. Good Friday rolled around and we headed to church, a little nervous because Jackson wouldn't be attending his normal class. Changes in routine are hard for him, but we were hopeful the children's director's plan would work so that we could enjoy the Easter service. I'm beyond thankful for our church - a place that has fully embraced our family and the Continue Reading
13 Verses For The Special Needs Journey
I flipped through my Bible to read a few familiar and comforting verses this week. These verses are highlighted and underlined. There are notes written beside them. I've read them over and over and over again. They bring hope when I feel hopeless. They remind me that God is in control. They shift my focus from my circumstances to Christ. This Special Needs journey is hard. Some weeks are smooth as butter. Some weeks crap just hits the fan. The past few weeks crap just keeps hitting Continue Reading
How He’s Learned His ABC’s
I have a confession to make: I probably haven't spent as much time as I should teaching Jackson the basics he needs to know when he starts PreK in August. This confession comes with a lot of mommy guilt. While other kids were learning their ABC's and 123's, Jackson was still learning how to talk. Everything we did was a speech therapy lesson. And that's just the Apraxia side of things. I didn't have a kiddo who would sit at the table and do learning activities. I have a sensory seeker who Continue Reading