Fall is the season I could live in forever. Psalm 72:19 says: Praise be to his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory. God's glory is never more apparent to me than when the leaves begin to change and a chill bites the air. The moment October is ushered in, I'm overcome with nostalgia. Saturday's spent at OU football games, trips to the pumpkin patch, friends and family gathered around the table for Thanksgiving. It's a feeling - deep in my soul - Continue Reading
Searching for Small Blessings {Day 12: 31 Days}
There are mornings when I lay in bed listening to Jackson click his light switch off and on and I wonder if I have the strength to face the mountain of laundry piled in the living room chair. Motherhood is monotonous. It’s fixing meals, washing sippy cups, and changing diapers over and over and over. There are mornings I pray, “Lord, don’t let me overlook the small blessings of today.” There are days when it’s difficult to see anything other than the crumbs and the toys scattered across the Continue Reading
Gratitude and Glory {Day 7: 31 Days}
As summer came to an end I felt as dry as Oklahoma in August. I was ready for a new season. Crisp air, cool temperature, colors exploding. I was ready to unwrap a new season of gifts. Pumpkins, Pot Pie, and Peppermint Mochas. I stopped writing down the gifts. My list came to an abrupt stop around 800. And I was cranky. Because when I stop counting, I start complaining. When I stop remembering, I start wanting. Stop practicing gratitude and you grow immune to His glory around Continue Reading
A Not-So-Ordinary Wednesday {Day 6: 31 Days}
I woke up after a restless nights sleep and wondered how I'd make it through another mundane Wednesday. I was greeted by wet laundry that I'd forgotten to move to the dryer the night before. I poured the detergent, hit start, and sent the clothes spinning. I promised myself I'd move it to the dryer as soon as the buzzer went off. I opened the fridge and starred inside. What would I feed my toddler for breakfast this morning? Why couldn't he eat oatmeal or cereal? I took out the mini Continue Reading
When the Storm Comes… {Day 3: 31 Days}
The storms of life will come. It's not a question of if, but a question of when. In 1st Thessalonians 3:3, Paul has this to say about the storms and trials of life. You know quite well that we were destined for them. The eery clouds will roll in. The darkness will threaten your gratitude. The cloud of depression. The cloud of grief. The cloud of comparison. The cloud of discontentment. You'll wonder where the glory is. You'll have to search deep within to see Continue Reading