I looked in my rearview mirror to find Jackson staring out the window. He grunted and squealed and pointed excitedly at the cement truck passing by. "Did you see the cement truck?" I asked. "What does the cement truck do?" He used his hands and made a rolling motion as he said ro ro ro Roll is much easier to say than spin. A thought occurred to me as we drove to the grocery store that day. People are constantly telling me to enjoy the quiet - that once Jackson starts talking Continue Reading
Love Will Carry. Faith Will Free. He Will Equip.
The stillness of night is when fear is ushered in. Tucked under the warm covers, worry invades my heart and mind. What does the future hold for Jackson? What challenges will he face because of Apraxia? Are John and I doing all that we can to ensure his future is bright? Am I really prepared for what's ahead? The unknowns can be scary. The difficult days leave us weary and worried about the days to come. But then light bursts through the darkness and the fears don't seem as Continue Reading
What I Want You to Know About Having a Child with a Speech Disorder….
I feel like Jackson has been labeled since he was 18-months-old and we were told he had speech delays. The labels are one of the hardest parts about having a child who is behind in his speech. I don't want my son to become a label or a diagnosis. I want people to look past the lack of speech and discover the amazing little boy that he is. But the truth is when a child has a speech disorder as severe as Jackson's they can come across as being delayed in other areas as well. We have been Continue Reading
Our Speech Journey and a Diagnosis…
If you read my blog on a regular basis you know that Jackson has speech delays. We've been taking him to speech therapy since he was about 18-months-old. Currently we go four days a week - both private sessions and sessions at our local elementary school. He turned three in December and although we've seen progress, it's not as much as we'd hoped to see. On Monday the speech therapist said she believes Jackson's speech delays are Apraxia related. Apraxia. She said the word but it Continue Reading