I have anxiety.
I look back and realize I’ve dealt with it all my life, but my anxiety intensified after becoming the mama of a child with special needs.
I worry about my kiddo a lot.
I am 100% a helicopter mom.
I’m currently trying to surrender a situation to God, but it’s hard to give him complete control.
Last night I was reading about God’s sovereignty during my quiet time. I’m working through the Anxious Bible study by Scarlet Hiltibidal (highly recommend!)
I was reminded that God isn’t just a little bit sovereign.
God isn’t just a little bit faithful.
God doesn’t give us just a little bit of peace.
He is completely sovereign.
He is completely faithful.
He gives us complete peace.
When we remember God is completely sovereign we can have complete peace.
I found myself in Psalm 121 this morning as I fretted about the parenting decision.
Once again, a reminder that God is sovereign.
“But then I realize that our one true help and protection is only from the Lord…He will guard and guide me, never letting me stumble or fall.” (verses 2-3)
One reason I find myself anxious over the decision I need to make is because I want to keep my kid safe.
Psalm 121 goes on to say…
“You will be guarded by God himself. You will be safe when you leave your home, and safely you will return. He will protect you now, and he’ll protect you forevermore!” (verse 8)
I replaced the word you with Jackson’s name and read these words out loud. I wrote the verses in my journal. I am going to cling to them!
I’m still not sure what the right answer is to the parenting decision that needs to be made, but…
God is completely in control of Jackson’s life.
He will keep him safe.
I can find rest in those truths.