Here’s what I’m learning as a homeschool mom…
Say YES!
Jackson had asked me several times earlier this summer if he could have a lemonade stand. I didn’t think much of his request until I saw a Facebook friend help her daughter set up a lemonade stand. It got me thinking…
Allowing Jackson to have a lemonade stand could be a valuable learning experience.
So I said yes!
I told him we would have a lemonade stand on Friday and he was pumped! We took a trip to the store and bought the necessary supplies. He made handmade signs (look how far his writing has come, y’all!). He mixed up the lemonade. I sent out an invitation to our friends asking them to join us.
He initially said he wanted to charge $5 for a cup of lemonade. Thankfully, I talked him down. We decided a quarter a cup was plenty.
(Don’t worry – this was at the end – he had to finish off the lemonade!)
Setting up a lemonade stand was the perfect opportunity for Jackson to work on his social skills and some speech goals. His speech therapist has been working with him recently on asking questions. Running a lemonade stand required him to do just that – How can I help you? What would you like? Do you want lemonade or ice cream? Would you like both?
He took his job very seriously and did a great job serving up summer treats!
He also learned what a tip was. HA!!!
At the end of the event, he had served 34 customers and was a sticky mess!
Homeschool is teaching me that learning happens all the time.
Learning doesn’t always look like an open book on a desk; sometimes it looks like a little boy handing out lemonade.
I’m learning that when my kid requests to do something that might take a little extra effort on my part, it’s usually worth it.
The best learning happens when you say yes to things like lemonade stands.
And the memories made are just as important as any math facts memorized!