My Facebook feed has been flooded with pictures of kiddos graduating from kindergarten. They have the cap and gown and the little certificate that says they finished.
To be completely honest, I think kindergarten graduations are a little silly – but all the photos have actually made me a little sad.
I don’t have a photo of Jackson graduating from kindergarten.
It’s another reminder that our story is different.
It’s a reminder that public school kindergarten was just too much for my boy.
Those realities make me sad, but these photo makes me super proud!
Today my kiddo has offically finished kindergarten!
No, this school year didn’t go how we thought it would (has any part of our story?), but boy has my son grown by leaps and bounds. Pulling him out of public school was the most difficult, yet best decision we ever made.
The stress, anxiety and sensory overload of public school was just too much, but he is thriving as we homeschool.
We’re calling today the last day of Kindergarten, however we will be learning throughout the summer.
The truth is, I was so worried about Jackson learning to read this year (because kids with Apraxia often struggle to read) that I have been a reading/sight word lunatic the past 10 months.
This is good considering my kid can read. It’s good considering he learned 145 sight words, but it means other subjects haven’t received as much attention – um, math for example.
I’ve been beating myself up because I know Jackson is behind where he needs to be in math. I feel as if I’ve failed him in this area. But the reality of having a child with special needs is they will likely always be behind in something.
So this summer we will be using a new kindergarten math curriculum to make sure Jackson is where he needs to be when he starts first grade in September.
This year didn’t play out like I thought it would.
Jackson didn’t make a best buddy in kindergarten, I didn’t join the PTA and I don’t have a bunch of Kindergarten artwork hanging on my fridge.
But I have a kid who persevered and overcame many obstacles.
I have a kid who is happy!
I have a kid who is talking more and more each day.
I have a kid who can read.
I have a kid who doesn’t have to fit into the public school box.
I have a kid who can write.
I have a kid who has an amazing imagination.
I have a kid who blows me away daily with the things he knows.
I have a kid who is learning.
I have a God who has guided me each step of the way as we figure out how to homeschool.
I may not have the kindergarten gradation photo, but I have so, so much to be thankful for!
I love your all’s story! I love to follow your journey and see God in the the midst of your lives! He is faithful!