Special needs mamas, let’s talk about self care.
The other morning Jackson and I were sitting in the car waiting for speech therapy to start when he decided to crank up the rock and roll and play air guitar. It wasn’t even 8 a.m. and he was jamming to Van Halen! ADHD y’all!
I haven’t had a night away from Jackson in months. John and I haven’t had a kid-free getaway in more than a year. There’s two reasons for this…
- We can’t leave him with just anyone.
- Jackson’s anxiety makes it difficult to leave him overnight.
So what’s a mama to do when she’s ready to pull her hair out? When the ADHD keeps his energy at an all time high but drains yours?
What does self care look like when you can’t take a kid-free getaway?
I’m not really sure daily drink stops at Classic 50’s count.
I’m honestly not sure when my next kid-free getaway will be. Sometimes that reality pretty much sucks. I get jealous of my friends who can drop their kids at the grandparents house and take off to Mexico (not that I want to go to Mexico). But I did really want to go back to Hawaii for John and I’s 10-year-wedding anniversary this year. I guess that trip will have to wait until my 40th birthday.
While I can’t take an extended vacation, there are some simple things I do on a regular basis to help me keep my sanity.
I love to read and I try to make time for it daily – although I haven’t done a very good job of that this month. A friend recently asked me how I make time for reading. I read a lot when I’m in the bathtub. I read before bed. I read when Jackson is in his speech therapy sessions. I need to be better about picking up a book instead of scrolling through my phone! I still turn to social media way too much during my downtime.
Bible Study and Prayer
At the beginning of last week I was feeling pretty down in the dumps. It was a combination of a lot of things, but my mood was made worse because I hadn’t spent time reading my Bible or praying. Those two things make me a much happier person – I experience more peace, more joy and I’m a much better mama to Jackson. Just a few minutes each day focused on my relationship with God makes a big difference.
Hot Baths
I take one almost every night. It’s the perfect place to read a good book.
I am not good at making exercise a priority. Honestly, I hate working out. Always have and I’m afraid I always will. I usually get pretty focused on exercise this time of the year because I want my bathing suit to fit when we hit the beach. The truth is, no matter how much I hate working out, exercise always makes me feel better.
I’m trying really hard to make exercise more about my health and stress relief verses weight loss and the size of my clothes. The struggle is real, people. As I type, I’m trying to talk myself in to doing a workout today. I’d rather just write.
Speaking of writing, it’s definitely on my self-care list! Writing is my therapy. It’s how I process all the crazy that comes with special needs parenting and homeschooling.
Nothing can shift your perspective like gratitude. Taking a few minutes each day to write down or think about the things I’m thankful for definitely helps me when I’m feeling overwhelmed or at the end of my rope!
Nothing better in my opinion!
Movie Dates
My friend Emily and I go see movies on a regular basis. We actually saw one together on Mother’s Day. A few weeks ago she sent me a text on a Sunday afternoon and asked if I wanted to catch a show that evening. It was super last minute – we normally plan our movie dates in advance – but I said yes. I needed that movie date desperately. We laughed so much and it felt good to escape real life for a few hours.
There is nothing like getting outdoors with my camera. Yes, my photography business helps pay the bills, but it’s also something I do for me! I always feel so revived after a photo session!
So there you have it! Just a few ways I make self-care a priority. What do you do to take care of yourself?