Last week I told my counselor I wasn’t choosing One Word for 2018. I wanted to, but I couldn’t narrow it down. I couldn’t find the perfect word to fit how I was feeling.
I had been trying to think of a word opposite of strive, but the word rest didn’t feel quite right.
I felt like the Lord was asking me to be still, to slow down and enjoy the simple things.
Last Wednesday I opened my Bible for my morning quiet time and there it was – the word I knew I had been looking for.
I love how God works!
There within the devotion in my Bible were these words: Savor instead of strive.
My devotion read, Mary held up the events of her life against the truth of God, savoring His promises over her striving. (SheReads Truth Bible)
This year I choose to savor, not strive.
Strive means to make great efforts to achieve or gain something. To struggle and fight vigorously.
Savor means to enjoy completely.
I want to savor my time with God each day.
I want to savor the truth of Jesus.
I want to savor motherhood.
I want to savor this season of half-time homeschool.
I want to savor each individual photo session instead of striving to build a bigger business.
I want to savor my current relationships.
I want to be more like Mary this year.
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. (Luke 2:19)
I want to savor all the mundane moments that make up this glorious life.