Ann Voskamp recently wrote this post and I loved it for so many reasons, but especially because of these eight words.
She writes, Purposing to change happens where prayer meets perseverance.
I recently wrote about the areas I’d like to see change in this year. You can read about them here.
Through prayer and perseverance I hope my a life becomes a greater reflection of Jesus.
In 2017 I purpose to…
After all, it’s a pretty high calling in God’s eyes. It’s also an area I struggle to embrace.
In real-life connection and community. I yearn for more face-to-face time with people. It’s awesome to connect through this blog and social media, but there’s often still a void. I want to have more lunches. I want to sit in front of the fire at a close friends house and catch up. I want to take a trip and meet some online friends in real-life. The older I get, the more I’m learning it’s not about having a lot of people in your life; but a few who you truly connect with.
I want to stop striving. I want to stop trying to earn His love when He gives it feely and it’s already mine.
I am enough; just as I am.
Bad Habits.
I want to spend less money. I want to stop seeking approval from the world. I want to ease up (not completely give up) my Dr Pepper addiction.
Spend time with Jesus.
Less. Pray More.
Let Go
Of past hurts, bitterness and anger. I want to release what I thought life would look like and embrace the amazing one I have.
With a heart of gratitude.
Gratitude enables us to see glory in the ordinary; when we stop practicing gratitude we grow immune to His glory all around us.
Up on Perfection.
In Grace (giving and receiving it!).
When His grace collides with our imperfections, something beautiful emerges.
I really love this post. Purposing — and even repurposing — is such a good thing to think about.
I really loved Ann’s blog post about this! I happened to read it after a very similar sermon at church.