Fuller House Wasn’t What I Expected
Like the rest of the world (or at least those who grew up in the early 90s) I was excited to watch the spinoff of Full House. I was a tad bit shocked to find that it was not a family friendly show. I get that the creators were targeting my age group; the ones who watched Full House back in the day, but it’s sort of a shame that it wasn’t a show safe enough for the entire family to watch. Yes, I did watch the entire season. Yes, I did laugh. But overall I was disappointed in the grown-up humor. I think the show could have been just as cute without the adult jokes splattered throughout the show.
There’s Nothing Cuter Than A Doodle Puppy
Our family grew by four feet this month when Jackson got a miniature goldendoodle. I spent months researching the breed and talking to a local breeder with hopes the puppy will be very therapeutic for Jackson. The adventures of Jackson and Jelly Bean are in full swing and I can’t wait to watch these two in the years to come.
It Was Time to Break Up With Sonic
No, I’m not giving up Dr Pepper, but I did find a better place for my morning drink stop. McDonalds! I can thank my friend Kristin for helping me make the switch. To be honest, Sonic stopped being consistent. Some days the Dr Pepper tasted great and other days it was just nasty. McDonald’s always tastes good! Not only do the drinks taste better, but I’m saving money! Instead of $2 at each stop, I’m only spending a buck!
I LOVE Daylight Savings Time
According to my Facebook feed I might be the only one. But those extra hours of daylight mean a lot of outside time for my sensory seeking boy. Extra outside time means he sleeps really good at night (and later than 6 a.m.) It’s a win, win for this family! There’s nothing better than spending summer evenings out in the backyard until dusk.
I Really Want a Honda Pilot
My car is ten years old and has almost 200,000 miles on it. We really need a new car; but having a car payment isn’t something I look forward to. We test drove a Honda Pilot a few weeks ago and I’m in love! I have car fever. I want to breathe in that new car smell. But the reality of our situation is this: we have a child who needs extensive speech and occupational therapy. We have a child who might have to go to private school next year. We’ve had insurance deny us before and it could happen again. We have to make wise decisions and getting a car right now probably isn’t very wise. I’ve been mad about that fact. I’ve pouted. I’ve wished we didn’t have hundreds of dollars of medical expenses each month. I’ve wished my child had the perfect place in public school. Being a responsible adult just sucks sometimes!
The Downside to Being a Writer
Is discovering a very harsh review (that takes your book out of context) on Amazon. It’s fighting the urge to defend what you’ve written and trust God to fight the battle for you. It’s believing those words aren’t a true representation of your book or the writer that you are.
I Have to Prepare for Battle Daily
It Might Be Easier If He Had An Autism Diagnosis
When your child doesn’t have an autism diagnosis it’s very hard to find the best spot for him in school. It’s hard to get the therapy he needs covered by insurance. It’s hard to explain the behavior issues and meltdowns.
When your child HAS Childhood Apraxia of Speech and Sensory Processing Disorder it’s not enough to get him in a classroom where he won’t fall through the cracks. It’s not enough to get certain therapies covered. There’s a chance your child will just be called a behavior problem.
Sometimes it would be easier if he had an Autism diagnosis. People would take his special needs more seriously. We’d know exactly where he’d be going to school next year. Maybe insurance wouldn’t deny therapy.
But he shouldn’t have to have that label to get the help he needs. CAS and SPD are severe disorders that have turned our world upside down.
No, he doesn’t have Autism, but this journey is just as hard as if he did.
I love these posts and there are so many wise lessons here. (And ignore that review – you’re doing what God called you to do!)
Wow–so much has happened in March!! It sounds like the school battles are just getting harder –I hope you have some resolution soon and some folks on your side to make Kindergarten a wonderful experience for Jackson (how is he in Kindergarten already? Man alive, time flies!!). Sometimes it’s exhausting to be an advocate, and you are doing a great job! And I totally hear you about the car thing–mine is over 10 years old and I really want a new one, but not the right time financially…and it’s just a bummer.
We have a golden doodle too! She looks just like your picture, but she’s full size and a little over a year old. Her name is Faith! 🙂 And funny thing is, I found her through an apraxia mom I met through my blog. We met for coffee and she was going that weekend to pick out her new puppy so I decided to get one too! Hope puppyhood is treating you well …