1. A Band-Aid Will Fit In Jackson’s Nostril
We were sitting on the couch watching a movie when I noticed Jackson sniffing (a lot). I looked down at the finger where I’d just placed a Band-Aid and it was GONE! I tilted his head back and there blowing in the nostril breeze was the bandage.
I tried to remain calm, but it was like wrestling a bag of snakes, trying to get my 45 pound kid to cooperate as I tried to pull the bandage out with tweezers. So I did what any sane mom would do. I called my husband, he left the movie he was watching and came home to dig a bandage our of our son’s nose. Thankfully, two are better than one when it comes to wrestling a bag of snakes and we avoided the ER.2. I Complicate Things
Most days I make this Christian thing a lot harder than I need to. I’m going back to the basics; because in the end that is what will matter most.
Love God. Love people.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:35)
3. If You Want Community You’ve Gotta Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
And here’s how I’m stepping out of mine:
1. I’m starting a monthly support group for mamas of special needs kids.
2. I’m back at church and I’m going to find my place there (not just sit in a seat on Sunday morning).
4. I Enroll Jackson For PreK Next Month
What? How is this even possible?
Can I be honest? I was a nervous wreck earlier this month thinking of him starting PreK in August. He needs to go; but he’s not ready to fend for himself in a room of 20 children. That spells disaster in our world. So I contacted our school administrators and explained my hesitations and we’ve come up with a great plan. I can breathe a sigh of relief!
6. I Tried Yoga (And I Liked It)
My friend Emily has invited me to go to Yoga with her on several occasions. This month I finally took her up on the offer. I was a little intimidated walking into my first class; but quickly discovered I could do many of the (beginners) poses. I did a pretty great downward dog. But even better than realizing my body could twist and turn the way it did, was discovering how great I felt after the class. Talk about complete relaxation! I felt amazing the rest of the day!
7. I Can’t Paint My Fingernails Worth A Flip
Couldn’t when I was a teenager and still can’t!
8. We’ve Found Where We Belong
9. It’s Two Steps Forward and One Step Back When You’re Walking the Special Needs Road
Jackson had a language explosion this month! We heard him say his first sentence. He’s saying mom with more attitude. He’s putting more and more words together. Instead of saying iPad when he wants to play, he says iPad time. Each day we celebrate a new word or phrase.
But the language explosion has brought sensory challenges.
The language explosion has caused frustration.
Jackson is talking up a storm but we can’t always understand him.
Think about how hard that must be for him?
Sensory challenges and frustration lead to meltdowns.
We’ve had our share of them this month.
But we keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Because just past the meltdowns are the miracles.
10. Jackson Needs A Morning Drink Stop Like His Mama
Do not go to Sonic and get yourself a Dr Pepper and NOT get Jackson a MO (milk)! He will screech and point to his mouth. He will say NO when you roll up the window. He will insist on having MO! You will have to place a second order!
I could so relate to #s 2,3,6 and 7. Hugs to you, friend.
I am so glad to see you back in the blog world Beth! You have been missed! 🙂 Hugs!
I can’t paint my fingernails either! They always end up looking like my 3 year old daughter did it 🙂 Also my oldest starts K in the fall so I’m already having panic attacks LOL!