1. Being A Mom Is Enough
When I see other women with successful home businesses or with books flying off the virtual shelves, I can’t help but feel a little defeated. I had a book signing this month and sold ZERO books. I compare myself to these women who seem to be succeeding and I feel like a failure.
I’m not making any money through this blog. I’m not selling many books. Huh, maybe I should call it a day?
But at 3:00 one morning, as all these things were flying through my mind, I heard God whisper in the chilly dark of my bedroom – you’re enough. Being Jackson’s mom is enough.
2. There’s Something Harder Than Apraxia
3. There’s Something Called World Adoption Day
I knew November was National Adoption Month and I knew about Orphan Sunday, but I didn’t know about World Adoption Day until I saw the social media frenzy on November 9th. I can’t imagine my life without this Little Man! I am still in awe of the story God wrote for our family. Adoption is beautifully messy! It’s worth every heartache, joy, smile and tear. I’m honored and humbled that he calls me mom.
4. What To Do When You’re Weary
God promises that our lives will produce fruit when we entrust our stories to Him; but the process can be messy. It doesn’t matter how hard life gets; what matters is that we don’t let go of God’s hand. It doesn’t matter what’s in front of you; what matters is that we don’t take our eyes off Jesus.
5. As Christmas approaches, I don’t want to be consumed with the stuff filling stores. I want to be consumed with my Savior (which leads me to #6)
6. How a Shoebox Can Make A Difference
This year we started a new tradition with Jackson. We filled shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Jackson is still pretty young and probably doesn’t completely grasp the significance of the shoe box, but it’s never too early to teach our kids that Christmas is so much more than what the ads on TV say it is.
Was it hard for my almost 4-year-old to see the new trash truck going into the box? You betcha! But we talked about how that trash truck was going to make a little boy on the other side of the world very, very, happy. We colored pictures and snapped a photo of Jackson with our boxes to include with the gifts. We printed out mailing labels and will be able to track where our boxes go. But most importantly, we will pray for the little boy and girl that receive them.
7. There Will Be NO Christmas Lights at Chesapeake This Year
This is usually our go-to place to view Christmas lights. The display takes my breath away year after year. It never gets old! I totally understand (and respect) Chesapeake’s decision to do without this year; but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little sad to miss out on our annual tradition.
8. Go See Santa Before Thanksgiving; Yes, Really!
It’s tradition to visit Santa at Bass Pro Shop. We started it when Jackson was just 2 days old. Santa makes his appearance before Thanksgiving, which is a blessing when you have a kiddo with special needs – anything to avoid lines and long waits. Unfortunately, Jackson wanted nothing to do with Santa this year. I snapped this photo seconds before he was hauling booty AWAY from Santa and out of Winter Wonderland.
I have come to the same conclusion that being a mom is enough. I love your list of 8, and I enjoy reading your blog. 🙂