1. The Power of A Horse
Tuesday’s have become our favorite day! Jackson goes to Equine Therapy and boy does he love getting on that horse. I can’t explain the joy I feel watching him ride. I’ve cried during both sessions because I’m so overcome with gratitude. God has provided just the right therapists and so many amazing opportunities for Jackson. I’ve never seen Jackson’s words flow so freely as they do when he’s on that horse. And that sure makes my heart happy!
2. How Much I Have to Be Thankful For
This month I’ve been overcome with gratitude. I’ve seen God answer so many prayers for Jackson. He is saying so much more (and we can understand it). We’re finding ways to regulate his body and the sensory seeking issues aren’t as extreme as they once were. We’ve learned our insurance company will cover more than 54 therapy sessions a year for Jackson. This is HUGE! And a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Many insurance companies don’t cover therapy for children with Apraxia. Intense speech therapy is non-negotiable for children to overcome Apraxia.
3. We Were the Top Fundraising Team
We had so much fun at this year’s Apraxia Walk. Jackson was surrounded by family and friends and we celebrated all that he’s accomplished since he was diagnosed in January. Jackson was pretty proud of the top fundraising reward he received. He’s been carrying the trophy around since the walk. We are already looking forward to next year. I hope to get more involved in the planning of the walk, and of course try and beat the $1500 we raised this year. The money is vital for Apraxia research and to fund speech therapy grants for families who don’t have coverage through their insurance.
4. This Is a Season of Studying the Word and Praying Boldly
Between seeing the movie War Room and hearing Beth Moore speak in Kansas earlier this month, I’m challenged to spend more time in God’s Word and to ignite my prayer life. It’s the best thing I can do. It makes me a better wife, mother, and friend. There’s something powerful about writing out your prayers and praying Scripture over your loved ones. I’ve already begun to see the the fruit of praying more boldly, not only for myself, but for my friends and family, too.
5. Small Does Not Mean Insignificant
More and more I yearn for a small and simple life. The other day God brought these words to mind: that if all I do in a day is love Jackson like crazy, pick up toys, and spend time with Jesus, that really is enough. If I don’t get the bed made but extend grace, it’s enough. If I don’t put my words in written form, but speak love throughout the day, it’s enough.
God is showing me that small does not mean insignificant or invisible.
Small prayers and small faith move mountains.
One person on their knees can literally change the world.
Through prayer and time in His word, God is teaching me how to live a small, but impactful life.
6. It’s Time to Toss the Diapers
I have feared potty training since the day Jackson was born. The entire process intimidated me. I’ve been praying about potty training for a long time. I grew even more anxious about it after hearing horror stories about how difficult it is to potty train children with Apraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder.
Jackson has been sitting on the potty, throwing toilet paper in, and flushing for months. There just hasn’t been any pee pee in the potty.
I started praying harder. I asked God to show me when it was really time to get serious.
Well, last week we got serious.
And I’ve literally witnessed a miracle.
Jackson has been going on the potty and keeping his big boy undies dry since last week.
I can count the number of accidents on one hand.
We are getting close to having a few more dollars in our bank account.
Bye-bye diapers!
7. We Have Baby Bunnies
On Sunday, Jackson’s friend, Harmonee, ran into the house declaring there were weasels in the backyard. Thankfully, after a little investigating, we discovered a nest of baby bunnies under Jackson’s fort. There were three and they still had their eyes closed.
I’m kind of wishing they would have been weasels.
If they were weasels I wouldn’t be so worried about them.
I went to check on the bunnies Monday morning and I could tell one was struggling. I went inside and Jackson and I prayed for the bunny. Unfortunately it didn’t make it, and now I’m worried the other two might not either.
Love catching up with you like this! So glad the horse therapy has been such a success – I’ve loved seeing your pictures on Facebook! Enjoy your day – maybe it’ll feel like fall. 🙂