1. The Beach Is My Happy Place
The majority of my childhood summer vacations were spent in Colorado. The mountains were my dad’s happy place. I vividly remember how bummed he’d get when the week was over and we made the long drive back home; back to reality.
The beach is my happy place. I love everything about it – the sand, the salt, sticky, sun-kissed skin. Watching the waves, I realize just how big God is; it’s where my worries fade away. A few weeks ago, I experienced what my dad felt all those years ago, as we said goodbye to the beach and headed back to the mundane.
I sat in the sugar sand, looking out at the turquoise ocean and was surprised when the tears slid down my face. I grieved at the thought of going home; of returning to daily therapy appointments and a life that often feels lonely. I wanted to stay there; captivated by the waves. I wanted a few more days of normal. A family vacation; a little boy covered in sand; memories made. I watched the sun dance it’s way down the horizon, as the waves soothed my aching soul. I was overcome with gratitude; reminded of His grace.
2. Jackson Is A Beach Bum
To say Jackson loved the beach would be an understatement. The endless white sand and emerald water created the perfect haven for my sensory-seeking boy. He jumped waves, rolled in the sand and chased seagulls to his hearts desire. Several weeks later and I’m still finding sand in his pockets.
3. Hearing Jackson Say His Name and John’s Name is AMAZING!
This month Jackson not only started saying his name, but his dad’s, too! While we were in Florida, he would yell at his Dad from our balcony. He says John’s name perfectly and it’s pretty much the cutest thing we’ve ever heard. We are constantly asking him to say John’s name and his own because we simply can’t get enough.
4. Sometimes God DOES Give Us More Than We Can Handle
It’s a popular saying: God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. But if I’ve learned anything over the past few years, it’s that sometimes He does. Why? Because He wants us to depend completely on Him. When everything is going smoothly; we are less likely to press into Him. We weren’t meant to make it on our own. It’s in the midst of the hard stuff that we realize our need for a Savior.
God tells us that His grace is sufficient.
When we are weak; He is strong.
We can handle the hard stuff with the holy.
5. We Surpassed Our Fundraising Goal For The Apraxia Walk
Thanks to our generous family and friends, we more than doubled our initial fundraising goal for our local Apraxia Walk and we did it a month before the actual event! We are currently the top fundraising team!
I’m sure many people are sick of me asking them to join our team. I’m certain I’ve lost friends and turned off family members because of my constant updates about Jackson’s progress. But it’s my job to raise awareness and educate others about Apraxia. There are so many people who have never heard of the speech disorder. I have to speak up for Jackson until he can speak up for himself.
It’s not too late to make a donation to Jackson’s Team! The funds raised will raise awareness for Childhood Apraxia of Speech, while funding research and therapy grants for families who need assistance. You can make a donation here.
Together, let’s raise our voices until He finds his!
6. Hire Lucy to Take Your Beach Photos
I had one request during our beach vacation. I wanted to hire a professional photographer to capture Jackson’s first trip to the beach. Some friends of ours who live in Florida highly recommended Lucy and I am SO glad we invested in family photos.
Lucy is crazy talented! She captured all the joy that is Jackson in each and every photo. This particular one literally brought tears to my eyes when I first saw it.
If you’re going to Florida and you need a photographer, I highly recommend Lucy! You can learn more about her and view some of her gorgeous work here.
7. I Can Run
Yes, I’ve always been able to; but I’ve never really enjoyed it.
In junior high, I took track. I dreaded 7th period each day! I should have just swallowed my pride and taken P.E., but I signed up for track, despite hating to run. Real smart, huh?
I remember doing a lot of walking; at least when the track coach wasn’t looking. I always came in last. I didn’t care. My body ached and protested. Running was not my thing.
And 20-years-later, I’m still not sure it’s really my thing; but guess what? I’m doing it! I’m running farther and farther the more fit I get. I’m running and I’m not dying. My body isn’t protesting and I’m not gasping for breath.
I wouldn’t actually say I love it; but I’m pretty darn excited that I’m doing it!
8. Jackson LOVES School
Jackson started PreK-3 through our school district this month and he LOVES it!
He cried when I picked him up on the first day because he didn’t want to leave. I had to reassure him that he would be coming back the following day. I’m so excited (and relieved) that he finally has a classroom to call his own. I’m overflowing with gratitude at how God has answered our prayers for his education and his teachers. We are hopeful for the year ahead.
I’ve loved seeing your beach pictures! The beach and the lake are my happy places too.