I heard Jackson sing not long ago. Of course, it was music to my ears.
King and Country’s Fix My Eyes was on the radio and from the back seat I heard his little voice sing “oh oh oh oh oh…”
What an anthem for this journey we’re on.
A reminder to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
To trust Him with Jackson’s speech; because before a word is on his tongue, God knows it. (Psalm 139:4)
Where we choose to place our focus is vital.
Hebrews 12:2 says we should fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
2 Corinthians 4:18 says, so we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
When our eyes get stuck on our storms, it’s easy to fall into a pit of despair.
The waves of worry, anxiety, and fear wipe out trust, peace, and hope.
Peter almost drowned when he took his eyes off Jesus.
Then Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said. “why did you doubt?”
Beth Moore says not all storms are spiritual warfare or a consequence of sin. Some are merely meant to strengthen our faith and draw us closer to Jesus.
We want Christ to hurry and calm the storm. He wants us to find him in the midst of it first, Beth says.
What storm is raging in your life today? Will you choose to keep your eyes on Jesus or will the waves threaten your faith?
***Today I’m joining my friend Kristin for Three Word Wednesday. You can join the fun here.
Such a great word for the day. I needed this. I have so much on my plate in a good way, but God keeps telling me to trust HIM, it not really in my control anyway. All I can do is keep my eyes on Him and not on all the circumstances! I don’t want to sink!
I’m so glad you were encouraged today! Sometimes it’s so hard to keep our focus on Him because we want to do it all and figure it out NOW. 🙂 Or at least I know I do. Maybe that’s the Type-A in me. Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by!
I have been looking at those very same Scriptures earlier this week. I am so very grateful that in the middle of storms, Jesus comes & gets in the boat with me. I need never go through a storm alone. Visiting this morning from #ThreeWordWednesday 🙂
Joanne –
I keep going back to those verses these days and I LOVE the Message version of each of them. They are just so powerful. I’m glad to hear they’ve been speaking to you, too! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today!
I have been overwhelmed for so long now. Lately though I have been trying to “refocus” and keep my eyes on Jesus rather than my struggles. Glad I read this. ♥
I’m sorry you’ve been so overwhelmed. Life can certainly be that way. Thankfully we don’t have to do it alone! Praying you feel HIs presence and His peace today! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment today. I’m glad the post was what you needed to read. Have a great day!
And I have found the more time I spend with Him and in His Word, keeping my eyes set on Him happens more naturally. The past few months have really shown me why what He wants must from us is a relationship. Good wisdom and great verses shared here, Jennifer. Love you. xoxo
I agree Beth! Spending time with Him has been something I’ve been intentional about this year and I have seen such a difference in my life. I look forward to that time each day and don’t want to miss out.
Oh, I know that feeling well – hurry up, Lord – let’s get safely to shore. But yes, He wants us to lean into Him and trust Him through every single wave. Sometimes it feels SO much easier said than done but I’m exceedingly grateful that He promises to get us to the other side – and He is a keeper of promises. Blessed to be visiting from #threewordwednesday.
Thanks for stopping by Tiffany! I’m so glad you were encouraged by this post!
Wow…love this post for SO many reasons!!! My kids love singing to our Christian radio station too. Our youngest just started doing it too…3 boys, 1 song…AWESOME!!!!! I think so many times I worry about WHERE the storm came from instead of seeing GOD through the storm. If I’m getting wet, I can figure the source out later…right now I need to draw near to my Abba for His shelter and protection. Great insight here!
Thank you so much! I am looking forward to the day when my son can sing more than the first few Oh’s. We will celebrate for sure! 🙂
Hearing my kids sing to songs on the radio is always sweet. I know it’s extra sweet hearing that from Jackson. And you’re speaking truth here, friend. Life has been so full lately. But God keeps reminding me he’s got it all. It goes against every perfectionist, Type A tendencies in me, but I know I’m on a faith journey here in the midst of my ordinary life. Thanks for your insights here and for linking up at #ThreeWordWednesday. I’m so grateful for you. xoxo
Always glad to link up with you Kristin! And super thankful to do this faith journey with you! xoxox