1. A Lesson In Grace in an Unexpected Place
2. I’ve Been Entrusted for this Journey
One of the most powerful things I read this month happened to be only a few words. Lysa Terkeurst writes, Maybe you’ve been entrusted with this. Not cursed with it.
In no way do I consider Jackson’s Apraxia a curse; but that doesn’t mean we don’t face a lot of challenges. But I’m choosing to look at the difficulties as something God’s entrusted me with; something that will ultimately bring Him glory.
1 Peter 4: 12-13 says, when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner.
3. Speech progress can be bittersweet
This month Jackson finally started saying his B and P sounds. This is a huge cause for celebration, but it’s also a little bittersweet. I’m so used to hearing Jackson’s beep, beep, beeps come out deet, deet, deet. But these simple words are reminders that he is making progress and he’s on his way to finding his voice!
This month Jackson brought me a book and said Rea (read).
It was at the first time he’s used a word – other than please, more, or help – to ask for what he wanted.
Of course I stopped everything I was doing to read to him (even though he picked the longest book EVER)
4. The Power of Reading another Bible Translation
I’ve been looking up multiple versions of verses during my quiet time lately and I’m in love with The Message. A verse I’ve read a hundred times in the NIV can come alive in such a new and powerful way. This is currently the verse I’m clinging to: Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. (Matthew 6:34)
5. God Hears and Cares about the Tiniest Details of Our Prayers
Last week I was literally on my knees in my bathroom (several times) praying for some gut-wrenching situations in the lives of my friends and family. I watched God answer my prayers in such incredible ways. The smallest details taken care of. I watched Him give peace when there was nothing but chaos. I watched him answer prayers for good test results. I was reminded just how powerful prayer is, and what a privilege it is to pray for others.
6. Every Mama is Facing Her Own Mess
7. Jackson is NOT a fan of the Easter Bunny
He had no problem sitting in Santa’s lap in December, but he wanted nothing to do with the big bunny. He sat in his dad’s lap (leaning as far away as he could from the bunny) for a photo. Then he decided it would be okay to shake the rabbit’s hand.
Jackson, do you want to sit in his lap? I asked.
And he responded with a loud, definite NO!
What did you learn in March? I’d love to hear! I’m linking up with Emily over at Chatting At The Sky, where other bloggers are sharing the things they learned this month, too.
I’ve been reading The Message translation as well in my daily reading, and I totally agree it’s been so powerful reading it in a new light!
I love the Message version too. I’m also a fan of the VOICE.
Mostly, I adore YOU. You have such an amazing heart, Jennifer. How blessed Jackson is to have you as his mom.
Much love.
Hello there, Jennifer!
Not a fan of the Easter bunny either! Creepy, creepy.
And I love to read the Message version.
The Voice- second favorite show next to Shark Tank!