The stillness of night is when fear is ushered in.
Tucked under the warm covers, worry invades my heart and mind.
What does the future hold for Jackson? What challenges will he face because of Apraxia? Are John and I doing all that we can to ensure his future is bright? Am I really prepared for what’s ahead?
The unknowns can be scary.
The difficult days leave us weary and worried about the days to come.
But then light bursts through the darkness and the fears don’t seem as intimidating.
And in my red chair, watching Jackson eat a bowl of Fruit Loops, God meets me – He stands face-to-face with my fears.
You would like a map, showing you all the twists and turns of your journey. You’d feel more prepared if you could somehow visualize what is on the road ahead. (Jesus Calling)
He’s asking me to trust.
He’s asking me to focus on the present day – a gift I’ll never get back once it’s gone.
He’s asking me to focus on the here-and-now with my son.
He doesn’t want me to worry about the future – whether Jackson will struggle with reading and writing.
He’s asking me to celebrate the small victories.
Walking in the front door and being greeted by his deep little voice enthusiastically proclaiming Mom.
Believing love will carry us, faith will free us, and He who is faithful will equip us.
One. Day. At. A. Time.
I will not show you what is on the road ahead, but I will thoroughly equip you for the journey. (Jesus Calling)
So my prayer becomes Hebrews 13:20-21: May the God of peace…equip me with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in me.