Lately I wake up, see the news headlines, and I can’t help but sing that old country song: Grandpa, tell me bout the good ol days, sometimes it feels like, this world’s gone crazy….
Another person in Texas has Ebola, a young man murders his parents and sister, and someone else gets diagnosed with cancer.
The fear could easily trickle in; even into the most faith-filled heart.
Beth Moore writes, Life is too hard to be approached with a wispy-thin confidence in the character of God.
During these times of uncertainty our faith must be steadfast.
We must believe in an unchanging God.
The disease, the devastation, the way our world is spiraling out of control, it shouldn’t surprise Christians.
It’s part of the plan – these events are setting the scene for when Jesus comes back in all His glory.
And Matthew 24:30 says, When Jesus returns, it will be with Great Glory.
Nobody knows when that day will come, only what signs to watch for as the day draws near. (Matthew 24:36)
But rest assured there will be a glorious unfolding right before our eyes.
And at that moment each and every one of His promises will be fulfilled.
But until then, he yearns for those who have yet to say yes to His invitation.
Beth Moore describes it beautifully.
That God waits to bring judgment while His piercing eyes penetrate a world off its axis with depravity and injustice is the greeter wonder. The time has not yet come for one glorious reason: The Lord is patient, “not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.” (2 Pet. 3:9).
Have you accepted His life-changing gift?
Jennifer – I look forward to your posts, but this one in particular resonated with me. We ALL need to hear these words and remember that the Story is far from being over … and we KNOW Who is the Victor. Thank you for these beautiful Words of Truth! (I suspect that you may be doing Beth’s current bible study “Children of the Day?”)
Rosemary – Thank you so much for your kind words. They were much needed! Yes, I’m doing Beth’s newest study. Are you? I just love it! Such Truth exactly when we need it. 🙂 Happy Monday!