My friend’s uncle died unexpectedly.
Her family was left with hard questions unanswered.
The kind of questions you hope you’re never left with after a loved one dies. The kind you pray you know the answer to long before they take their final breath.
Suffocating. Draining. Wondering. Questions.
What do you say to your friend who’s grieving and broken and questioning?
I didn’t have the answers but I felt God saying there were lessons to be learned.
Pray for those who don’t know the Lord.
Keep praying even when you don’t see change.
Even when you’re weary and doubting.
Life is fragile. It’s here today and gone tomorrow.
When you’re faced with devastation and you don’t have the answers, you can cling to this:
God works everything out for the good of those who love him. (Romans 8:28)
We can’t always see the good – not in the midst of the pain – but eventually it will come.
Because it’s a promise He plans to keep.
Today, if you’re facing the unimaginable, if you doubt, if your hope is gone.
Hold tight to His promise.
He’s working it out.
** Today I’m linking up for Coffee for the Heart here, for Three Word Wednesday here, and for Tell His Story.
Romans 8:28 is one of my all-time favorite verses. It was the one God led me to when I was deciding to follow him years ago. The translation you used is exactly what I needed to hear today.
Kristin – I’m so glad you were encouraged 🙂
Today I read from Christine Caine, “There are many future God-appointments on the other side of disappointment!” I think this goes along great with what you are expressing! Thank you for sharing !
He definitely has His own time table! Not sure our timing has ever matched up, but God’s way is always better!