The publishers all said my book idea wouldn’t reach a big enough audience.
Why would anyone who wasn’t struggling with infertility or pursuing adoption care about our story?
But He was asking me to write it. Maybe not for thousands, but for the one or two who needed hope.
Our story goes deeper than my desire to be a mother.
It’s about a Savior. Faith and fears. It’s about letting go. Heartache and healing.
Since my book released last fall there have been times when I have felt discouraged by book sales and platform building progress.
But God gives glimpses of His goodness just when I need it the most. He shows me how my words are stirring hearts for Him.
He’s fulfilled his promise that his words, through my story, will not return void.
He’s planting spiritual seeds and in His time they will burst forth into full bloom.
Our story has impacted people the publishers thought would never open the book.
The alcoholic who realizes she can’t remain sober without the strength of a higher power.
She got a glimpse of my God.
She says she was inspired.
She may never open a Bible, but she opened my book, and I pray His word will sink deep and take root.
I pray instead of spirituality or religion, she will find relationship.
I pray she will encounter the God who can do far more than we can ever guess, or request, or imagine.
I pray she will meet the Healer face-to-face.
That she won’t see an angry God, but a Savior who loves her just as she is.
And then, as she goes to Him, with a few years of sobriety behind her, that He will transform her and break the chains that bind.
I pray she will bloom.
***Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday. You can join all the fun here.
Such a powerful post. Once again, it shows what the power of prayer can truly do. Thanks for sharing! Coming over from Lisa-Jo Baker’s FMF