Stuck. Sticky. Holds together.
The words that come to mind when I see the word glue.
I’m reminded today (Good Friday) that life is sticky. It’s messy like glue oozing from beneath the paper of a craft project. We can find ourselves stuck in hard places without much hope.
But the sticky places don’t have to keep us stuck. We have a Savior who holds us together.
We won’t be stuck in the hard places forever. The story doesn’t end with the crucifixion on the cross.
Sunday is just around the corner.
Hope is waiting.
There’s an empty tomb to remind us of the hope we have.
The Jesus Storybook Bible sums it up nicely.
“Jesus isn’t dead anymore!” he said. “He’s alive again!”
And their hearts leapt. And then the angel laughed with such gladness that they felt, for a moment, as if they had woken from a nightmare…..
Mary ran and ran all the way to the city…..And it seemed to her that morning, as she ran, almost as if the whole world had been made anew, almost as if the whole world was singing for joy – the trees, tiny sounds in the grass, the birds…her heart.
Trust the Risen King. He will hold you together when life feels like it’s falling apart.
*Today I’m linking up with Lisa Jo for Five Minute Friday. You can join the fun and get a dose of encouragement here.
I love those lines from The Jesus Storybook Bible! Happy Easter!