I’m learning that small deposits into my relationship with God really do matter.
Before I was a mother, I would sit in my quite house, dive into an in-depth Beth Moore study, and soak up God’s word. I never missed a day of homework. I was at Bible study every Tuesday night. I was at church every Sunday. My prayer life was on fire.
Then I became a mother.
And my baby had colic.
So going to church was almost impossible. Actually we haven’t gone to church regularly at all the past two years. After the colic subsided, we had a toddler who was sick with strep throat every three weeks.
My time with Jesus does not look like it used to.
During those early months with a newborn, sometimes all I could do was repeat a verse or two while I bounced my screaming boy. I spent a lot of late nights singing Jesus Loves Me as he cried.
Small deposits.
There are days I yearn for a Beth Moore study. I would love to sit (uninterrupted) and read God’s word and journal my thoughts.
But that’s not realistic during this season. It’s taken me two years, but I’ve finally come to terms with that. I’ve brushed off the guilt and shame and have decided to focus on what I can do.
I’m learning that my time with Jesus will probably change on a week to week basis.
For several weeks I would get Jackson settled with his breakfast and then spend time with God. While he ate, I sat and read my devotion in my favorite oversized chair. It wasn’t long before sticky yogurt hands were all over my Bible and my toddler was using me as a human jungle gym.
My husband said something profound one day as I voiced my frustrations.
“God sees the effort you’re making,” he said.
It’s true. He does.
Small deposits matter.
If you’re a new mama or you’ve been a mama for years, don’t get discouraged if your quiet time is close to extinct.
Here are a few ways I make small deposits into my relationship with God in the midst of raising a (very active) son. And before you think I have this all figured out, let me just say I don’t. There are times I go days without opening the Bible. There are days my prayers feel scattered. I have never been one to have my quiet time early in the morning.
But God knows my heart. He knows yours.
Here’s how I make small deposits:
- Jesus Calling and Whispers of Hope: These devotions are a mama’s best friend. They are short but powerful. They are based on God’s word and are full of hope for a weary soul. I can read them in just a few minutes. It’s a great way to start the day. If I miss a day, I can pick up where I left off. No big deal.
- Worship Music: I love to praise Jesus through music. Christian music is always playing in my car. There are many days Jackson and I turn on worship music and dance in the kitchen. Worship is a great way to stay connected to Jesus.
- Praying in the Car: I realized you can pray anywhere, but having a very active two-year-old often leaves me feeling scatter-brained. I’m also one of those strange people who prefers praying out loud. So I do a lot of praying in the car (or in the bathtub while the water is running so that I can’t hear the trucks banging against the bathroom door.) I’m learning my prayers don’t have to be so long and formal. I just need to chat with God. A few sentences here, a few sentences there. Just talk to Him. He’s listening.
- Devotions with your Kids: I’m not as good at this as I should be. Probably because I have a toddler who doesn’t sit still. But we have several children’s devotion books and the Jesus Storybook Bible. It’s amazing how many times the devotion speaks to my heart. It’s all about having “faith like a child.” (Mark 10:15) My friend Kayse wrote a great post about having devotions with your toddler. You can read it here.
- Reading Christian Books: I’m currently reading Praying for Boys: Asking God for the Things They Need Most. I’m loving it. Just another way to get God’s word into my heart and I’m beginning to pray very specific scriptures over Jackson. There are so many great books out there for mothers. Here’s a few more I recommend.
Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe.
Surprised By Motherhood: Everything I Never Expected About Being a Mom.
This post was written as a response to Holley Gerth’s Coffee for your Heart link up prompt: For more encouragement click here!
Oh sweet bloggy friend, I feel your heart at this moment and it brings back so many memories. I had a son with colic and the months of no sleep and crying felt like years of no sleep and me crying. I wasn’t strong in faith during that time, not many close mama-friends, or even a helpful and understanding husband. Victory came, peace came, love for my motherhood restored. It was a tough season, but God was faithful even when I wasn’t and that sister is something to be celebrated! http://vintagehousewife.org/2014/03/05/water-can-renew/
Shannon – yes, it’s definitely something to be celebrated! He is always faithful! Thankful that He can redeem the mistakes I make. Thanks for stopping by today!
Although I’m not a mama, I really appreciate your words on small deposits. In such a busy world, this sentence is extremely helpful: “I’m learning my prayers don’t have to be so long and formal. I just need to chat with God.” I love the thought of getting back to the root of our relationship with God. Thanks for your words!
Steph –
I’m glad you were encouraged! Thanks for stopping by!
Keep making the small deposits!