It’s who I’ve been for as long as I can remember.
An encourager.
Handing out a dose of hope to those I love.
I still send cards – the old fashioned way. I could spend hours in a card shop searching for the perfect words. I’d be rich if it wasn’t for the all the cards, stamps, and stationary I’ve bought over the years.
Through words I encourage.
Whether handwritten in a card or on my blog.
Words have always been my go to.
It’s much easier for me to express myself through verbs and nouns written. I don’t speak my thoughts quite so eloquently.
But if I were being honest, sometimes being an encourager can be exhausting.
I encourage others, but I don’t always extend the same uplifting words to myself.
I am my worst critic.
Extending grace to myself can be a struggle.
Negative thoughts can swarm through my mind like killer bees.
And sometimes, as selfish as it sounds, I wish I were on the other side.
That I would open my mailbox to find a card. The words picked out especially for me.
At times I’ve thought it would be easier to not be an encourager.
I’ll quit sending cards. I’ll stop blogging.
But I can’t. It’s who I am.
Written words are breath of fresh air to me.
So I keep writing. If for nobody else but me.
***Today I am linking up with Lisa Jo for Five Minute Friday. You can join the fun and get a dose of encouragement here.
From one encourager (and crazy card -sender) to another – never stop encouraging, never stop sending cards, keep the post office in business! If I had your address I would send something to your mailbox right this minute! Consider this your thank you card for the day. I love that the “habit” that you can’t quit is something so positive. You are leaving a legacy. Well done!
Thank you for your encouragement Lisa! And thanks for stopping by today! Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂
I also find it so much easier to write words instead of simply speaking them. Give me a pen and paper (or the computer keyboard!) and I can speak what’s on my heart so much easier than if I have to say those same words to a person standing in front of me.
Wanting to receive cards with a handwritten note just for you isn’t selfish at all. We all need to hear (and read) encouragement from the ones we love. Speaking from experience, I think that when you are the one offering encouragement to so many, the people on the receiving end assume that you don’t need those words in return. As nice as it is to give kind words and encouragement to others, it’s also nice to receive them in return once in a while. But no matter how discouraged you may get sometimes, I hope you’ll continue to send cards and write words. As you said, it’s who you are.
Great post!
Tammy –
Thank you for your kind words! I am so glad there are others who “get” what being an encourager is all about – the good and the bad 🙂
Thanks for stopping by today and offering me some encouragement
Ah, yes! We are certainly on the same page today, aren’t we? Sometimes it is so hard when we have been pouring out, but have not been poured into. But those times always remind me to run to Jesus- the only true source of faithful encouragement for my weary soul.
Blessed by the kindred nature of your post. Praying that you will be encouraged today and that you will keep on pressing on!
Becky –
Thanks for the reminder to run to Jesus when I am weary. So often I forget that, when I shouldn’t!
Thanks for stopping by today! Glad to have others who thinking and writing along the same lines….