Do you remember the anticipation you felt as a child? Counting down the days until Christmas. It’s like it would NEVER arrive.
Do you still anticipate Christmas? Or do you dread it? As adults, we often loose that sense of wonder. Why?
It should still be as magical as it was when we were kids. Not because of a jolly guy in a red suit or gifts piled under a Christmas tree. The magic should bubble up from the deepest places in our souls because of the One who lives there – the ultimate gift.
I can remember sitting on my parent’s bed, dialing my great-grandmother’s number on the brown rotary phone. She would answer and together we would sing “Away in a Manger.”
That’s what Christmas is about. It’s about a baby born in a manger. A baby sent to save the lost. Jesus brought the greatest gifts: faith, hope, love.
In the midst of shopping and stress, we forget what Christmas is really about.
I’m just as guilty of this as anyone.
I have lists made and advent activities planned.
I’m the crazy mama pinning unreal expectations for my toddler.
But I have to stop. I have to remind myself that the season isn’t about Pinterest worthy Christmas crafts and crazy schedules.
It’s about being still. It’s about soaking in the love that God wants to lavish upon His children.
This year I am going to sit at the feet of Jesus each day and unwrap The Greatest Gift.
I will hang Jackson’s advent calendar. I will do my best to complete the daily activities, but if I fail to, I won’t let it rob me of Christmas joy.
If all we do is dance to Christmas carols in the kitchen and sing Happy Birthday Jesus, it will be enough.
If we cuddle on the couch by the glow of the Christmas lights and read from the Jesus Storybook Bible, then I have shown my son the true meaning of Christmas.
How will you keep your focus on Jesus this Christmas? If you’re the mom of a toddler, give yourself grace. It’s the little moments that will mean the most to them this Christmas. Are you reading The Greatest Gift? I’d love to hear your thoughts about the book!