There are mornings when I lay in bed listening to Jackson click his light switch off and on and I wonder if I have the strength to face the mountain of laundry piled in the living room chair. Mommy hood is monotonous. It’s fixing meals, washing sippee cups, and changing diapers over and over and over.
Yesterday I prayed, “Lord, don’t let me overlook the small blessings of today.” There are days when it’s difficult to see anything other than the dishes piled in the sink and the toys scattered across the floor.
But the small blessings are there. If I ignore the laundry pile and really pay attention to what’s in front of me, they are there.
It’s sitting on the front porch watching a concrete truck with Jackson. It’s friends who bring ice cream over after you’ve spent the entire afternoon in the ER. It’s letting Jackson splash barefoot in rain puddles. It’s piling on the bed with your husband and son and playing silly games. It’s fat-lipped kisses from your favorite 20-month-old.
It’s wearing fake 20’s inspired jewelry to a movie with a friend. It’s Jackson bringing me a book, crawling into my lap so that we can share a story.
Small blessings are abundant, you just have to search for them in the midst of the ordinary.
***Today I’m linking up with Lisa Jo for Five Minute Fridays. You can join all the fun here.
What a beautiful post! I got a little teary eyed remembering those days…even though it was just 8 years ago. It goes by so fast. Cherish every moment even though some days are easier than others. You’re awareness of small blessings is truly a gift and relish in it! So glad I stopped by thru FMF! Blessings!!
Great post!!! Thank you 🙂