Many times when I push the publish button on a blog post I’ve written, I feel as if I’m allowing myself to stand naked in front of my readers.
I always want to be real. I want to share the struggles and the joys. I don’t ever want to pretend life is easy and I have it all together – I. do. not.
God is teaching me that the more I’m willing to expose myself (my heart), the more He can use me for His glory. With each honest (and sometimes painful word) I write, He is healing the deep places in my heart that are in desperate need of His touch.
Sharing the burdens, the sorrows, the joys – it’s freeing. Baring myself (through my words) for all to see, has been (and still is) a sort of healing process for me.
****Today I’m linking up over at Lisa Jo’s blog for Five Minute Friday! You should join us! One word, Five Minutes, Go!
I LOVE it!
I love you too, friend!
It is very freeing. And I think one of the most freeing aspects is the realization we are not struggling alone. The nature of a writer is to be private, which leads to feeling alienated. Communicating with words frees us from that misconception.
I love the blogs of those who don’t try to appear perfect. Like you, I am NOT. We are all learning and growing and learning together. What an encouragement.
Ins’t it amazing how your own words minister to YOU. I love going back through my blog and reading and I am amazed how many times words that I’ve penned in the past reach me once again right where am at in the present.
It is scary to to open and bare with our words. But in being honest and open we are being true to ourselves and allowing God to use every part of our story…even the yucky parts.
Blessings to you!