Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking about our adoption and orphan care at my parent’s church in Texas. I am so glad God allowed me to share our story! Overall, I think it went really well. I know that seeds were planted and eyes were opened to the orphan crisis all over the world.
I was a little bummed that we didn’t have more people sponosor children through Compassion International, but the ones that were sponosored means there are less children needing sponsors.
During the first service I was super nervous. They played the national Orphan Sunday video right before I spoke, and no matter how many times I watch it, I choke up. I had a hard time holding it together during the first service. I didn’t dare look at my family. My sister said they were all bawl bags and my dad was leaning over kissing Jackson on the head. 🙂
I prayed that my voice would be strong and I would keep my composure during the second service. I feel I did much better. 🙂 Speaking is a tad bit out of my comfort zone. I am a writer. I usually put my feelings on paper. But every publisher I met with told me I needed to work on building a platform and that includes speaking. 🙂
I am just trusting and believing that God will move in the hearts of those I spoke to yesterday. I must continue to be obedient to what He asks me to do and trust Him with the rest!
Here’s a photo of our family yesterday! So glad God decided to build our family through adoption!
****I’m trying to figure out how to upload the video from yesterday to the blog, but it says it’s too big and I have no idea how to make it smaller 🙂
What a beautiful picture of your family! SO proud of you, friend!!!