As I sit here on my comfortable couch, in my air conditioned house, with a full belly, I wonder why it is I have so much and so many have so little.
As I look at Jackson and my heart bursts with love for him, I am saddened that there are millions of orphans around the world who may never know what it means to have a family.
Today I was working on a Bible study and the words burst from the page and penetrated my heart. I may never no why I have so much and others have so little, but I do know that you have given me a voice to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves.
I am thankful that you have allowed me to use my god-given gift of writing to promote child sponsorship for Compassion International. I pray that my words will bring hope, that my words will soften hearts, and that children will be matched with sponsors.
Thank you for the hope you have already given the 837 children who were sponsored last week. I pray that each and every child (all 2,271) remaining will be matched with sponsors. You see each and every face and you know each and every need that needs to be met!
I may not be poor, I may not be an orphan, but it is my duty to care for them. Open my eyes and my heart to those who are powerless and need someone to speak up for them.
My prayer is to, “Stop doing evil. Learn to do what is good. Seek justice. Correct the oppressor. Defend the cause of the fatherless. Plead the widows cause.” (Isaiah 1:16-17)