If you’ve been reading my blog long enough (or you know me in real life) then you know I’m passionate about adoption and orphan care.
God has made it pretty clear that I’m supposed to use my writing to educate others about adoption and the responsibility we have as Christians to care for orphans.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27)
I am super excited to say that I signed up to be a Compassion International blogger! A few times each month, Compassion International will send me topics to blog about in hopes of educating people about poverty and the need for orphan care around the world.
A simple way you can care for orphans is by sponsoring a child in need through organizations like Compassion International. For $38 a month, you can change a child’s life. They will receive medical care, food, clean drinking water, and an education – things they would not have access to without the help of a sponsor.
Another way you can raise awareness about God’s call to help orphans, is by hosting a Compassion Sunday event at your church! John and I hosted one last year at our church, and we are in the process of planning one this year, which will be held at my parent’s church in Texas.
Are you interested in speaking up for children in need? Do you have a heart for orphans and a desire to see the fatherless placed in families? You can sign up to be a Compassion blogger today! You can do so here.
I signed up too. I’m excited, because we’ll sorta be doing something together. 🙂