This weekend brought two VERY nice surprises! Much needed rain and much cooler temperatures! I was glad to trade in the 100+ days for temps in the 70’s.
John and I decided we should take advantage of the cooler weather. We finally got to use the zoo pass we purchased a few months ago. It’s just been too stinkin’ hot to drag Jackson out in the heat. A trip to the zoo meant that Jackson got to ride in his big boy wagon for the first time! Um, He. Loved. It! He held on to the sides and just took everything in. (although in the photo below, he’s pretty distracted by his toy!)
We had been at the zoo almost two hours when big, black, storm clouds rolled in, the wind began to blow like crazy and the temps dropped. We decided we better high tail it back to the car. John took Jackson out of the wagon so that he could carry him and we started walking fast/running. Before we knew it the bottom dropped out and we were getting soaked! Jackson thought it was hysterical! I almost died! (running in the rain and pulling a wagon up hill, showed me just how out of shape I really am). We took cover to wait out the sudden storm and snapped this family photo! One wet, but happy, family!
When we got home from our rainy zoo trip, we gave Jackson a little treat! It was his first “cookie” and he loved it! Can you tell?? He scarfed it down so fast! He was the cutest little mess!
Sunday we tried out a new church. It’s more traditional than the one we’ve been attending. I like tradition because it means singing old hymns that I remember as a child, but traditional is also a bit hard for me. I love me some worship! You know, the hand-raising, praising Jesus, kind? I felt a bit stuck inside a box, but I don’t want to make a decision based on one visit!
This particular church has an amazing adoption/orphan care ministry, a congregation full of adopted children, and wonderful children’s programs. When you have a child, you have to think about their faith-walk and not just your own. Jackson needs to be raised somewhere where there are other adopted children, where adoption and orphan care are an important part of the church. I’m not sure if this church will be our new church home, but I am trusting that God will lead us in this area. Here’s a photo of my handsome Little Man after church this morning…..(can you tell he was eating a cookie?)
After church I took a glorious 3 hour nap! I was up most of the night with excruciating heart burn and so a nap couldn’t come fast enough. After catching up on my zzzz’s, I whipped up a batch of chocolate, peanut butter, banana cupcakes for John to take to work! I love all things cupcake! What’s your favorite kind of cupcake??
I hope you had a great weekend overflowing with blessings! Check back this week as I share some of the things Jesus is teaching me and write about an amazing conference I get to attend in March!
***Today I’m linking up over at Teagan’s Travels! Check out Michelle’s blog, you’ll like it!
We have been visiting churches for the last year and a half, in search of our church “home.” We wanted to connect with a church, but we also had a list of things we wanted for our children as well! The list kind of fell apart, and we began to enjoy the different experiences and people we met. They were all wonderful! I still felt exactly as you though in that I was so concerned about THEIR growing faith and experiences as well. I decided that when we found the right church for us we would feel it. We had to visit a lot of churches; we also had to open our hearts and minds to some changes and ideas we weren’t accustomed to! We have finally settled into a church home and family that we love though, and I know you will too! I’m really enjoying your blog! Keep ’em coming!