I shared the following on my Facebook page yesterday – mainly because I needed to put my thoughts into words and writing is my therapy. But then I found myself wanting to go a little deeper; to share those same thoughts here. Maybe because I’m 100% certain that when we’re transparent and vulnerable about our struggles God will use it for His glory. I believe when we are courageous enough to share the not so pretty parts of our lives we give others permission to share their not so pretty stories, too.
In her book Braving the Wilderness, Brené Brown writes, I can confidently say that stories of pain and courage almost always include two things: praying and cussing. Sometimes at the exact same time.
The story God is writing for our family is a story of courage.
It began with a birthmother who was courageous enough to give her son life! It takes courage to keep fighting for your child with special needs day after day after day. It takes courage when you realize there aren’t many people standing with you. It takes courage to speak truth when it’s the last thing others want to hear. It takes courage for my child to walk into school each and every day.
One of the definitions of courage is strength in the face of pain or grief.
Our story is full of courage. There’s been a little pain. There’s been a lot of grief.
The pain of watching your child struggle at something that shouldn’t be so damn hard. The pain of loneliness. The pain of wondering whether you’re doing enough. The grief that comes with special needs parenting – and believe me it’s not just a one time thing.
Yesterday I prayed and I cussed.
That morning as I read my Bible I came across these words: Embrace this God-life. Really embrace it, and nothing will be too much for you. (Mark 11:22)
That verse doesn’t say things won’t be hard. It doesn’t promise a life free from pain or grief. It doesn’t promise everyone will like you. It doesn’t mean following Jesus will be easy – it most definitely will not!
Yesterday was a difficult day; but it was not too much!
It wasn’t too much because there’s Jesus.
There’s friends who let you vent and cuss and know you love Jesus just as much as the person who sits in a pew every Sunday morning.
It wasn’t too much because my son is worth the fight!
Our story is one of courage and I embrace it because it has no doubt been written by the hand of God.
I know you struggle daily and I many times feel I am inadequate to help you, but you reminded me that I can continue to pray for you and your family to have courage from the One who is adequate to help you!
Joy, your prayers mean so much! I was reminded last week as I was reading my Bible just how important prayer is – how God wants us to pray about the small and big things. He cares about it all. Also, how sometimes prayer is the ONLY thing we can really do and it is more than enough. I am thankful for your friendship. I know it’s a little untraditional considering I don’t have a lot of free time to get together and Jackson’s school schedule has been crazy, but thank you for reaching out, praying and letting me know you are there!