Only a few days into the New Year and I became aware that my One Word for 2015 had more to do with my relationship with God than the other areas I had listed out in my journal.
God wanted me to be intentional with Him and trust that He’d work out the details in those other areas – marriage, motherhood, friendship, writing.
When you’re a mama, it’s hard to get that alone time with God that your soul so desperately craves.
In Parenting the Wholehearted Child, Jeannie Cunnion writes, We get so wrapped up in the daily obligations of parenthood that we forego our own intimate encounters with God and neglect our own parched souls in the process.
And let me just be honest – I am not a get up an hour before my kid and open the Bible kind of girl – and I think God’s okay with that.
But I can honestly say that I have spent time with Him each day this year. Whether in my oversized chair while Jackson eats breakfast or in the waiting room during Jackson’s speech appointments.
And I’ve noticed what I’ve known all along – it really does make a huge difference.
I’m more patient. I have more peace. I’m more intentional as a mom. And the Devil hates it.
But each day He has met me exactly where I’ve needed Him most.
I decided to read Jesus Calling again because it’s such a powerful, intentional, and doable devotion for the mama of a toddler.
And on the second day together, He reminded me just how important these daily dates are.
This sacrifice of time pleases Me and strengthens you. Do not skimp on our time together. Resist the clamor of tasks waiting to be done. (Jesus Calling)
Being intentional in my relationship with God is as simple as setting the to-do list aside to spend time in His presence.
That intentional choice then trickles down into each area of my life that I long to improve.
Good stuff, Jennifer. It does make such a difference, doesn’t it? And you will soon find it’s a part of your day you simply don’t want to miss out on. Much love to you, friend. xoxo
Beth – Every single day I’ve read exactly what I’ve needed for that day, for the circumstances I faced. I love how God does that. Jesus Calling is one of my favorites. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve read through it, I always gain a fresh perspective.