I’ve gone back and forth the past few weeks trying to decide whether or not to participate in 31 Days (a writing challenge hosted by The Nester each October). Many of my writer friends have participated in past years and I’ve admired them for it.
Because let’s be honest – writing about the same topic for 31 days is a tad bit intimidating. So intimidating that I’m second guessing my decision to say yes as I type these words.
Do I really have that much to say? Does anyone really care to read what I write on the same topic for 31 Days?
But I’m doing it.
I’m nervous and excited.
I have exactly 15 of my 31 posts somewhat planned out.
I pray 16 more ideas come to mind – and come quickly.
I’m taking this challenge to stretch my writing muscles and to focus on what truly matters.
Finding Glory in the Ordinary.
I don’t know about you, but as soon as I flip my calendar to October, life gets crazy and my heart gets a little heavy.
I live for the last few months of the year.
Pumpkins, turning leaves, and the chill of Fall.
Followed by twinkling lights, peppermint mochas, and the celebration of our Savior.
The upcoming months are filled with glory, but I tend to miss it as the chaos of Christmas approaches.
So this month – before the holiday hustle and bustle – I’m going to slow down and discover the glory that surrounds me.
Because it’s there – waiting to be found.
There is magic in the mundane of life and if we look close we will see His majesty among it.
I would love for you to join me on this journey. Some days I may write many words, some days only a few. Other days I may choose to capture the glory with my lens, because in my opinion pictures really are worth a thousand words.
Together, let’s discover the glory waiting in the ordinary…..
During the 31 Day Writing Challenge, my ebook Trucks, Tantrums, & Trusting Him: Confessions of a Boy Mom will be on sale for 99 cents on Amazon. This book is how I got the idea for the 31 Days of Finding Glory in the Ordinary series. You can purchase a copy here.
so excited to follow along Jennifer! we picked the same topic 🙂